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Bratten Annouces First Campaign Endorsements

March 29, 2024

Laurie Bratten is proud to announce that she has been endorsed by Wyoming State Senators Bo Biteman and Dave Kinskey in her race for House District 35.

 “I’m proud to have earned the support of Senator Biteman and Senator Kinskey. They have both proven themselves as highly respected statesmen from Sheridan County, and I am humbled by their support,” said Mrs. Bratten. Laurie announced her candidacy on Saturday, March 2 at the Sheridan County Republican Party Convention to a standing ovation, and the campaign has quickly gained tremendous momentum.  

“The support and encouragement I’ve received has been fantastic and has helped
us get off to a very fast start.” 
This is only the second time I’ve endorsed a candidate for the legislature, and it’s an endorsement I’m happy to make,” said Senator Biteman. 

“I’ve known Laurie going back to 2017, and I know that she will be a terrific addition to the Wyoming State House.  She’s the complete package, she’s everything the Wyoming House of Representatives needs right now. Laurie will
be ready to lead on Day 1, and she will be a true work horse, not a show horse.” Senator Kinskey said, “I’ve seen Laurie’s involvement in the community and the collaborative way that she works with people. I have full confidence that she’ll be a strong addition to the conservative team.”