Pressure Works:
WYFC Moves 30 Legislators over 15 Points in 3 Years
Rep John Bear
January 23, 2023
The Wyoming mainstream media, in its
unending quest to promote and protect the political establishment,
shared the good news that over thirty legislators have sponsored
legislation to provide some tax relief in Wyoming.
Published in the Buffalo Bulletin and
shared widely via the Wyoming News Exchange, the proposed 5% property
tax cap and those sponsoring it are given glowing treatment. The fact
that Johnson County Representative Barry
Crago has sponsored a bill to provide a property tax cap of any kind is
certainly newsworthy.
In 2021, the Wyoming Legislature had the
opportunity to cap property taxes at 3%, but establishment lawmakers
increased it to 20% before killing the bill altogether. Had this 3% cap
passed, the average Wyoming homeowner would
have over $1,000 more in their bank account today. Last year the establishment, including
Representative Crago and other sponsors of this year’s proposed cap,
thwarted multiple attempts to cap property tax increases. The people of
Wyoming are being taxed out of their homes, and
they took notice of the failure to cap property taxes. They also took
notice of who is responsible for it.
Whether due to a change in heart, some
strong polling data, or some combination of the two, the newly proposed
5% cap is proof that pressure works. The Wyoming Freedom Caucus, along
with the people of Wyoming, have made it clear
that our property tax system is immoral and needs to be fixed
immediately. Pressure works, and the insiders are feeling it.
Unlike the establishment insiders,
conservatives don’t decide how to vote on a bill based on who brought
it. While the bill, House Bill 45, is flawed, the Wyoming Freedom Caucus
will make every effort to fix those faults via amendment. To begin with the good news, the bill
would take effect this year, providing more immediate relief to those
who qualify, and would stop double and triple-digit increases in some
assessments- but not everyone qualifies– and the
bill’s language even suggests that the relief may only be available for
one year.
The relief in House Bill 45 does not
extend to homeowners who make any improvements to their property. We
simply shouldn’t penalize Wyoming citizens who upgrade their homes.
What’s worse, the cap on tax increases doesn’t apply
to the land your house sits on, allowing the assessment of that land to
compensate for the cap on the structure. Also, the relief does not extend to
commercial properties, punishing Wyoming residents who own their own
businesses or who manage properties for a living. And as we all know,
those evil “big corporations” will simply pass their
tax burden on to us, the consumers, resulting in increased costs for
goods and services.
The Wyoming Freedom Caucus and our conservative allies in the Wyoming
House of Representatives will use every opportunity to cure these
defects via amendments, and we will do so on the record. The people of Wyoming will be able to see which legislators vote to expand and improve upon the proposed relief.
Wyoming’s property tax system is immoral and needs reformed. Unfortunately, tax-and-spend insiders in both parties
hold a majority in Cheyenne and see no need to reform the system. Until
more conservatives are elected in 2024, we will work to expand relief as
widely as possible while setting the stage
for real reform.
Rep John Bear represents Wyoming House District 31 in Campbell County. He is the Chairman of the Wyoming House Freedom Caucus and is also a small business owner.