The Madness Started With Roe
By: Christopher G. Adamo
January 1, 2024
Founding Fathers crafted our National Charter, the Constitution, with
no illusions of the oft quoted but dangerously misguided "inherent
goodness" of mankind. Having recently thrown
off the despotic yoke of England's King George III, they were keenly
aware of the inevitability of abuses of power by those in high office.
Hence, the Constitution was written as their best effort to ensure
American Government could effectively function in
its proper roles, without allowing any one person or persons to seize
uncontested power, which would take the Country right back to tyranny.
the start, it was understood by the Founders that the greatest potential
for such a threat to manifest itself on the new Republic was posed by
the judiciary. And almost immediately, their
fears began being validated. Examples of such go all the way back to
the early 1800s, with efforts by the Nation's high courts to
"reinterpret" (reinvent) the "Commerce Clause" as a means of totally
negating the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That
amendment flatly stipulates that powers not specifically granted to the
Federal Government by the Constitution are strictly prohibited to it,
thus limiting its ability to wantonly seize total control over "We the
People." Of course this had to change.
stated, the Commerce Clause gives Congress the power "to regulate
commerce with foreign nations, among states, and with the Indian
tribes." Rather quickly, courts began claiming the Commerce
Clause as a "carte blanche" to totally dominate and control any
legislation and/or individual who might be involved in any commercial
activity that ever crossed state lines. Eventually, during the Supreme
Court activism of the Roosevelt years, that was expanded
to give the Government control of any action that even had a mere
"potential" to cross state lines.
similar over-reaches by the Court have occurred, each with its own track
record of devastation to America's foundations and traditions,
including the excruciating twisting and contorting
of the First Amendment to ostensibly establish a "wall of separation
between Church and State." That has been invoked as the pretext for the
prohibition of even so innocuous a rejoinder as "Merry Christmas!" in
public schools, though kids are now pummeled
with the Koran along with every perverse precept of the religion of the
the evil "crown jewel" of judicial activism was inarguably the Supreme
Court's infamous and Constitutionally indefensible "Roe v. Wade"
decision of 1973. With it, a handful of "justices"
legalized the wanton slaughter of tens of millions of unborn human
babies, claiming as their "Constitutional" pretext the "emanations of
the umbra" of the Fourteenth Amendment. In simple terms, that translates
to the "mists from the shadow." And with that
flimsy excuse, the Supreme Court sanctioned full scale genocide of the
Roe has since been overturned, allowing States to enact laws protecting
the most defenseless and innocent among them. Yet the Pandora's Box of
Roe v. Wade remains wide open, and on
too regular of a basis, the demons of judicial over-reach and abuse of
official power escape from it. If not forcefully confronted and
corrected, the threats we currently see being levied against President
Trump will be only the beginning. Ultimately, they
pose an existential threat to the freedom and liberty of every decent
American who seeks to speak the truth and uphold the law.
recent avalanche of court cases and contrived accusations against the
President represent an ugly and dangerous case in point. None of them
involve any interest by those attacking the President
to uphold the law or make the streets of America safer for law-abiding
citizens. Rather, they are a flagrant effort to prevent a very popular
and (if elections were conducted with integrity) unbeatable presidential
candidate from running for public office.
As such, the goal of this offensive is not so much to personally harm
President Trump as it is to restrict and trample the ability of all
Americans to seek and achieve proper representation of their choosing.
Make no
mistake about the dire circumstance in which our Nation now finds
itself. Every statute and precept of proper jurisprudence and equality
under the law has been flagrantly repudiated. From
the list of "judges and prosecutors" who clearly exhibit bias worthy of
recusal (though none have), to the phony and manufactured nature of the
charges being invented, real law and justice have been totally
abandoned. Currently, no wiggle room remains whereby
the agenda-driven leftists of the various "courts" can offer the
slightest validation of their attempts to destroy President Trump.
it is they who are the real criminals posing a grave danger not only to
the President, but to every one of us. Just as a cop who is issued a
lethal firearm and authorized to use it
for self-defense and to protect others, can in no way excuse wielding
that weapon and inflicting harm out of personal animosity, the "legal"
system cannot be allowed to deprive innocent citizens of life, liberty,
and property without due process of law. Sadly,
that milestone was passed a long time ago.
In a
free society, the law provides a framework within which all honest and
upstanding citizens are able to live, work, and pursue their dreams.
Under despotism, the law rapidly degenerates into
a weapon, wielded by the powerful to oppress and control the weak.
Presently, America teeters dangerously close to that awful precipice.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.