Iowa Caucuses Shout A Resounding Message To America
Christopher G. Adamo
January 23, 2024
It has been barely one week since the January 15 Iowa
Republican Caucuses, but in their wake the political landscape has
undergone a seismic shift, not just in Iowa, but across the Nation! Of
course President Trump won as predicted. Yet the enormity
of his victory margin over the other contenders shattered records and
made a statement of its own.
Not breaking single digits, candidate Vivek Ramaswamy
suspended his campaign before the sun rose the following morning.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis managed to exceed 20%, putting him in a
distant second place, but with an equally resounding
defeat looming in New Hampshire, he has since made the decision to pull
the plug on his own White House bid.
Among the several losing Iowa
candidates who garnered any support at all, only former South Carolina
Governor Nikki Haley has opted to remain in the race. Unlike the rest of
the Republican bench warmers, she had the distinction
of actually prevailing in one of Iowa's ninety-nine counties. Hardly
possessing the momentum of a blossoming political race, Haley's campaign
has degenerated to the occasional pot-shot directed at Trump.
So in essence, Donald Trump is running unopposed for the
Republican nomination, though the leftist Fake News will no doubt
attempt to stoke interest in any "back and forth" that may occur between
now and the Republican Nation Convention. And
given Haley's record of carrying the water for the GOP "Establishment,"
very little interest will be generated among the common people on "Main
Street." Rather than slipping back into the media approach of turning
the campaign season into a "horse race" for
ratings, Americans are far more focused on the unfolding domestic and
international events that can potentially impact them.
For starters, consider what did
not work in Iowa. The time and money spent by candidates in the Hawkeye
State was certainly not reflected in their vote totals. In truth, this
is part of a pattern that has increasingly frustrated
the GOP "Establishment" in recent years. Big money simply does not buy
candidacies as it used to. One-time "shoe-in" candidates, who counted on
swamping the airwaves with slick campaign ads and big name
endorsements, are not persuading voters as they did in
the past. The level of cynicism and distrust among Americans is
understandably high, and they have no intention of being scammed into
returning to D.C. "Business as usual."
The Establishment plan, going into
the 2024 Presidential Campaign season, was to thoroughly discredit
President Trump. By so doing, they hoped to bring back the "Good Old
Days" of Republicans pretending to be the opposition
party, particularly in fundraising letters, promising everything while
delivering nothing. This was standard operating procedure prior to 2016,
but the election of Donald Trump changed all of that. And he's been on
their "enemies list" ever since.
Americans are not about to forget
how he was undermined, not merely by the Democrats, but also by
virtually every government department, having been thoroughly corrupted
and weaponized during the Obama years. Worse yet,
at several key junctures, from his efforts to repeal Obamacare to his
promise of building the wall at the Southern Border, Trump found himself
fighting off, not only the overt leftists, but also entrenched RINOs.
The vast and malignant nature of their treachery
had not been fully grasped by the Nation prior to his ascendancy to the
Oval Office. But that mask is off now!
The dirty deeds of this "Uniparty" reached a pinnacle
with the stolen 2020 Presidential Election. Concurrent with the flagrant
vote tally manipulations and enormous dumps of fake ballots in the wee
hours of the morning after, the entire political
apparatus and its leftist Fake News echo chamber went into high gear,
blasting the airwaves with what was clearly a previously orchestrated
blitz to mock and marginalize anyone who dared dispute the veracity of
the election. And among too many of the supposedly
"conservative" talking heads, it proved much easier for their own sakes
to remain quiet, allowing the official line that the 2020 Election was
"the most secure in history" to go unquestioned on any official basis.
According to these people, and even including several of
President Trump's primary challengers, it was absurd to contend
otherwise. In fact, many have accused the President of engaging in
behavior that "threatened democracy." Similarly, the events
at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 were hysterically trumpeted as
"an insurrection" and "the greatest attack on America in its history."
Thus it was last week that the people of Iowa had their
chance to respond to all of the caterwauling and grandstanding against
President Trump, as the vilest of human beings and a danger to the
future of America. And in a nearly unified voice,
they rejected every accusation against him, and instead rallied in an
enormous show of support.
Despite all of the propaganda from leftist Democrats and
RINOs, the real lay of the land in 2024 is starkly obvious and simple to
understand. President Trump says that the Country is in dire straits,
the border is hemorrhaging with invaders,
the Nation's standing on the world stage is in a shambles, our
manufacturing base and energy production are being driven into the
ground by foreign interests who are pulling the strings in Washington,
and our ability to defend ourselves against a direct military
attack is being systematically destroyed from within.
Leftist Democrats and their RINO enablers say he's
deranged and a threat to the Constitution. Their Fake News machine has
been in overdrive, attempting to make this case. Every manner of
platitude is available to those who want to stick their
heads in the sand and ignore the impending peril. Yet the good people
of Iowa flatly said "NO!" to all of it, and remain firmly supportive of
President Trump and his vision for Making America Great Again.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.