A Clarion Call to the Church in America
Christopher G. Adamo
May 13, 2024
Author's Note: I
originally wrote this
piece in late 2018, upon hearing a Pastor claim from the
pulpit, that it was
"wrong" for Christians to discuss abortion, because it was a
"political" issue. Five and a half years later, with all that
happened since, it becomes ever more clear that this message
needs to go out across
again and again. We will either learn from the abhorrent
mistakes of the past,
or we will repeat them. But having that past experience, we
are now without
excuse!--Chris Adamo
Even a cursory
search of modern
European Mosques reveals a stunning plethora of enormous and
profusely ornate
buildings, ominously spreading like weeds throughout the
continent. Meanwhile,
the great cathedrals that had once defined Christendom in
general, and Europe in particular, now stand nearly empty and
falling into ruin. It was barely eight decades ago that they
were vibrant and
filled to capacity. So what could explain this total collapse of
Christian in Europe, where the presence of the
faith of Christ had dominated in one form or another over the
previous nineteen
words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, pictured here, give the most
accurate and painful
explanation. He warns that when Christians cease standing
against evil, they
ultimately stand with evil. In his lifetime, he saw a
distressing willingness
among seemingly devout Christians to not only refuse to speak
out against the
nightmarish horrors of the Nazis, but in many cases to openly
embrace them.
In contrast, he
increasingly “extreme”, as a consequence of his own refusal to
endorse the
evils of the Reich, whether by actively condoning them or by
tacitly supporting
them through the silence that was demanded of him. Like
pallbearers carrying a
coffin, if each party does not bear his own portion of the
weight, that which
must be born by the others increases. In the end, a lone
adherent risks being
overwhelmed by the load, as others look on in disdain and
denigrate him for his
awkwardness and inability to accomplish the task at hand. So It
was that
Dietrich Bonhoeffer died alone in April of 1945, hanged by the
Reich for his
Christians of the 1930s, as well as those throughout much of
rather than standing resolutely against the obvious evils in
their midst, chose
instead to concoct creative ways of ducking the firestorm. In
the process, they
proved that their ultimate faith was not in the God of
righteousness and
justice, but in themselves and their supposed ability to cry
“peace” where
there was no peace.
of the most poignant episodes of this era comes from a man
who, as a child,
attended a Bible believing Christian Church, which was located
near train
tracks where Jews were being transported to the concentration
camps. The Church
members were distressed by the anguished cries for help from
those Jews on the
trains. The response of the Church was to sing their hymns
louder as the trains
passed by, in order to drown out the screams of terror and
agony coming from
the trains. Perhaps in the minds of some of those Christians,
this display may
have even appeared to be a greater “praise” to God. But to all
who understood
what was it actually represented, it was the most flagrant
denial of Christ,
and total perversion of anything “Christian.”
would be worthwhile to hear the torment in the voice of the
man recounting this
episode in his young life, as he ponders to this day just how
abominably he and
his fellow parishioners misrepresented the love of Christ.
What those doomed
passengers on those trains saw was not a Christ of unshakable
strength and
courage, but one of fear and hiding. No less detestable was
the message sent to
the secular world throughout Europe during
this time. They saw no refuge for the helpless nor any promise
of restoration
for those who might have fallen into the evils of the age, but
indifference and a pretense that it didn't even exist.
we believe we can dodge the difficult issues, in order to
reflect only the
“love” of Christ, we redefine our “faith” in our own image.
But as we retreat
from the modern secular worldview, we can be assured that it
will only continue
to advance and further encroach upon us. And despite our
efforts to repackage
Christianity in a seemingly “more palatable form,” we have not
succeeded in
fooling the world around us. Only ourselves. Ultimately,
what we deem to be “non-judgmental love” is actually
indifference, and the
world will respond to us with its own indifference. That is
why, in modern Europe, the looming nightmare of Islam and
sharia is
widely perceived as representing something more enduring than
all of those
crumbling Gothic church edifices.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. He is author of the book, "Rules for Defeating Radicals," which is the "Go To" guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.